Thursday, 18 February 2010

Happy Birthday

So happy we are finally dancing and performing together.

Back story:
Two mums, both with small creative businesses, both short of time and searching for-
That 'something' was a belly dance workshop at a local theatre and arts centre. We both signed up for weekly classes with a wonderful teacher, Sue.
Once introduced to the world of belly dance we began to realise there were a myriad of styles and traditions to sample.
After taking workshops in American Tribal-Style we began to move down different paths; Lucy was able to travel and train with a tribe in Glasgow, Sarah began to teach Egyptian style, locally.
Lucy was performing with a group, Gypsy Fire and Sarah took an exercise-to-music course and took more classes.
Eventually, Sarah was able to attend more Tribal-style classes and workshops, and there was finally time to get together and play, then to come together to dance at local fairs and events.
This is a somewhat simplified version of events, but brings us up-to-date.
Over the coming months, I'd like to post details of performances, chat about technique, about style, about the theraputic benefits of the dance and hope to hear from other bloggers.
Thanks for dropping by.