Thursday, 20 May 2010

Lucy begins her next spell of classes on May 25th, 7.30. 5 weeks May 25, June 1, June 8, miss a week, June 22, June 29
They are at The Gym, Morpeth; please email or phone her for more details- the class is nearly full, so be quick!
Sarah is teaching 2 hours of belly dance at Willowburn, Alnwick till the end of June:
4-5pm Arabic and 5-6pm Tribal, it's £27.50 for a block of 5, and you don't miss out, if you miss a class, just drop in to the next one!
Burlesque workshops and cabaret show confirmed for June 27th at The Maltings, Berwick. Check their website and ring 01289330999 to book. More details imminent.
Looking forward to Tribezuza's hafla in July, details on the Zuza website.